Remote Install OS

  • Last night after shutdown I unplugged everything except the System SSD drive, media drive & the OSMC remote dongle.

    The Pi booted up fine this morning.

  • And now the important question: What do you have detached? Only the Rii X8, ore more devices?

    I don't have a keyboard connected.


    And my wife uses an Rii X8 for iPlayer searches

    It sounds weird to me, because the Rii X8 is a keyboard. Or do you use the RPi in time-sharing with your wife? ;)

    Perhaps you has only Caps-Lock enabled or a battery issue with that device. If somebody else have the same issue in the future, it would be nice to know.

    Edited 3 times, last by HarryH (May 3, 2024 at 4:31 PM).

  • Yes it sounds very likely the Rii X8 causes the issue, presumably because (for some reason) it reports the shift key is held down.

    It would be useful if you could confirm this.

    Boot with Rii X8 connected - does it go to installer?

    Remove Rii X8 and reboot - does it go to installer?

  • The Rii X8 is always turned off on the unit itself until needed, then turned off again.

    I will ensure that is unplugged too.

    So connected there is:

    USB adaptor with an SSD on it for LibreELEC

    USB Hard-Drive for media

    OSMC Dongle for remote