I have a fresh install of LibrecElec 11.95.2 on a Raspberry Pi 4B, and I'm having an issue installing skins. Specifically, I am looking for the Eminence skin, which I use on another older LibreELEC install. All repos appear to be working, including the Kodi and LibreELEC repo.
When I go to Skins and select "Get More" there are very few in the list. It's just "Aeon Nox: SiLVO","Aeon Tajo", "Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded", "Confluence", "Copacetic", "Estuary", and "Mimic-LR". None of the repos have any other skins to install.
I went and got the zip from https://kodi.tv/addons/omega/skin.eminence.2/ and downloaded it to the box. What's weird is I can see other zips in the "install from zip" interface, but I can't see the zip for the skin at all, even after verifying linux file permissions. I'm stumped. Is this a skin compatibility thing? I see no version restriction. Is this an architecture thing? I have it on other x86 systems but this is arm.