vim3l install 11.0.6 on sd

  • I found some old posts from 3-4 years ago to help get LE installed on a Khadas vim3l but it seems like something has changed in the images. I have not been keeping up with the changes and was still running the firmware it came with in 2019. Any help would be much appreciated. If I am better off with coreelec just let me know. I have LE running on a couple Pi so it would be nice to have the same OS on everthing. Thanks!

  • It's been a while since I used a VIM3L for anything but the general state of the AMLGX image on SM1 boards should be the same as for G12A/B and I use an N2 (G12B) as part of my test regimen. If you read current LE11 release notes there's a long explanation of the general state of Amlogic things (LE12 doesn't change much). If you need 10-bit HEVC media (or 4K) then CE will be more feature complete, but if your media collection is more simple (mostly H264 and 8-bit HEVC, some VP9) then AMLGX can be an option too, and I see a slow but steady increase in users on "newer" Amlogic boards running AMLGX these days.

    Official LE12 nightlies are a little behind my test branch (will be updated once some visiting relatives go home and I have some time to spend on it). Until then…as-vim3l.img.gz is available if you want to experiment.