3D issue / left/right not properly aligned (S905 & S905x)

  • First of all, a friendly hello to all LibreELEC user - I'm the new guy :)
    Really love my S905 and S905X boxes - an THANK YOU so much  kszaq for your incredible work !

    Now to those 3D issues I encountered while testing all features with the box.
    - When starting a 3D bluray.iso (tested with self-ripped movies: pets, startrek beyond and turtles - full menu) LibreELEC says "3D disabled" and starts the movie as Over-Under.
    - then switching the TV seperately to 3D (ou) the upper and lower pictures doen't match in alignment. (see screens)

    So far I can tell, is that LibreELEC doens't recognize the source-material to be 3D, because the menu get's "split" in TV 3D_over/under mode.
    Tested other 3D over/under movies (.mkv) --> all work fine ! Don't have the ability to test another 3D TV :(
    Both boxes (the s905 & s905x) show this issue.

    My setup:
    UE55ES6100 (TV<-->Onkyo TX-NR656 <--> non-ARC hdmi port, CEC disabled)
    MXQ Pro 4K (s905) and Seguro X4 (s905x) (tried several devicetrees on the mxq)
    KSZAQ libreELEC for S905/S905X (v, also earlier ones)
    Quality HDMI cables ;) no really good ones...

    Any hints to address this info?? -.-

  • Thank you for detailed report. For completeness, please also enable debugging in Kodi and post a log according to this post: LibreELEC

    I marked that thread with "bug" icon to remember to look into it but I can't promise much as I don't have a 3D TV. As far as I can tell this is a known issue...

  • - will test it today with another 3D TV (Panasonic Viera, 4k,...)

    - on sunday I will gather the debug output

    Thank you sooo much - you are really doing a great work for so many !


    - tested it with other TVs (Panasonic 4k / Samsung fullHD) -- same effect / bug !

    - tested it with other 3D movie files and found something NEW!

    • I loaded up a "movie_3d.mkv" which was 1080p side-by-side.
    • LibreElec detected it was 3D (however it did it)
    • same effect on SBS movies !
    • ==> the RIGHT & LEFT borders are not aligned properly.

    When playing the "movie_3d.mkv" with my TV's built-in Mediaplayer it works fine : so it's rather a software bug, I guess ?!