libreelec on a95x f3 air

  • Hi.

    I just bought an a95x f3 air 4/64 with the s905x3 cpu but i can't boot libreelec through the sd card.

    Every time i try to boot throu the sd card using the terminal emulator my device starts to bootloop, im using the dtb file "meson-sm1-a95xf3-air.dtb" I think thats the right one but I could be wrong.

    Thanks for your help in advance

  • It's the correct dtb to use, but it's hard to comment on what's happening without seeing the output from the debug UART connector on the board; this shows the early (u-boot) boot process that we need to manipulate to boot Linux. Note that you can't just put the SD card in and boot, you need to invoke recovery boot so that u-boot searches for (and finds) bootscripts on the SD card. Also note that you must not rename the dtb file as with legacy kernel images:

  • same here, but i have some additional information.

    i tried the dtb file from libreelec to boot emuelec - same issue.

    i tried the dtb file from emuelec to boot libreelec - now i get am instant black screen.

    emuelec is booting and working normal.

  • EmuELEC images are based on downstream Amlogic vendor kernels (CE not LE) which means device-tree files are not compatible with LE images using mainline kernels.