How to activate an external USB Wifi dongle on PI4 instead on internal wifi cheapset

  • Hello,
    New on this forum.
    I have a PI4 with ArgonOne M2 case. It's a good case but with one default : it is in aluminum and the wifi power is less. So I want to add an external wifi dongle and use it instead off the onboard wifi device.
    How can I do this because LibreElec linux version doesn't use /etc/network or /etc/wpa_supplicant.

    Thanks for your help and sorry for my french english.

  • Hi, you can try to just plug in and check the wifi connections. Most of USB-wifi dongles are usable without any additional driver. If you want to disable the onboard wifi, in the "config.txt" add the "dtoverlay=disable-wifi" line.

    Another way... I'm used my RPi3B with a USB-wifi dongle, till I made some modification on the RPi board (some soldering) to be able to use external wifi antenna. It can be done on the RPi4 too, if you have some soldering skill...…starring-a-rpi4