Help with composite output for LibreELEC-RPi4.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20231217-1833aee

  • Help with composite output for LibreELEC-RPi4.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20231217-1833aee

    I'm using Microsoft Zune 3.5mm composite cable. Used it before without issues.

    Hardware: Rasberry Pi 4 4GB RAM (No overclocking)

    This is what I have on cmdline.txt per instructions found in config.txt

    boot=UUID=1712-0016 disk=UUID=394a24c2-c88a-4566-8f31-e98cf8d0886a quiet console=tty0 video=Composite-1:720x480@60ie

    This is what I have in config.txt

    Any help will greatly be appreciated.

  • I tried again with a clean install using LibreELEC-RPi4.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20231219-865d980.img on a Pi 4 4GB


    boot=UUID=1912-5351 disk=UUID=ef14f8a9-525e-48ce-b4a6-375d0654f3ce quiet console=tty0 video=Composite-1:720x480@60ie


    I had no luck. :(

  • Code
    # uncomment to enable analog audio output

    Not sure if you really need this, because "composite video" already has audio included.

  • The analog audio stuff in config.txt is fine - you need that to get analog audio regardless of using composite or HDMI video.

    Not sure what the issue could be, please post a pastekodi log - run "pastekodi" via ssh and post the URL you got or use the "upload log files" function in LE settings and post the URL

    so long,


  • I found time for a quick test and could reproduce the issue here. It seems composite video out got broken when switching to kernel 6.6 - with kernel 6.1 it's fine.

    I'll have a closer look after Christmas, for now best stick to builds from before 20231122.

    so long,
