Audio equalizer for Raspberry PI

  • Is there any possibility to have audio equlizer (bass and treble control) on Raspberry Pi running Libreelec? I have an alsa audio device (Hifiberry Amp+) and I would like to add some basic sound changes. I hardly belive that it is not possible but could not find any solution yet.

  • It will be possible in Kodi v18 if/when the ADSP add-ons are finished and supported. If you run LE 7.90.001-008 you'll find them in the add-on repo. If you run 7.90.009 (next alpha) they have been removed from our repo due to the upstream decision to bump them to v18.

    I am on LE7.90.008. Biquad filters addon is installed however I could not find a way how to run it.

    Is Audio Mixer an equalizer? I can see a lot of controls without any text. All set to zero.

    Edited once, last by sakos (December 4, 2016 at 8:02 AM).

  • ADSP is "work in progress" so maybe not so working. Oh well. Mixer allows you to set the volume controls on various things. It is a mixer not an EQ.

    Ok. How the ADSP addons should work? Probably it is only a user error that I cannot access the equliser window.
    I mean this:

    Edited once, last by sakos (December 4, 2016 at 9:02 AM).

  • ADSP is "work in progress" so maybe not so working. Oh well. Mixer allows you to set the volume controls on various things. It is a mixer not an EQ.

    When I try to enable any of the Audio DSP addons (either adsp.basic, asdp.freesurround or adsp.biquad.filters), I get the same error in the log: " ERROR: Audio DSP - GetModes - query failed". Does this mean that Audio DSP is completely missing or bad?
    According to Audio DSP wiki the first two addons are available on all platforms except Android since Kodi v16. Why do they all fail?
    Is there an LE build for Raspberry where it works at lest to have a test?

  • ADSP works fairly well on x86 hardware but I've been told the RPi code still needs quite a bit of work .. which is one of several reasons why it will be held back until Kodi v18. This is not the solution you're looking for (at least not yet).

  • ADSP works fairly well on x86 hardware but I've been told the RPi code still needs quite a bit of work .. which is one of several reasons why it will be held back until Kodi v18. This is not the solution you're looking for (at least not yet).

    Finally I managed to install and configure equalizer (biquad filter addon) on LE 7.90.007. Looks OK so far. Not flawless but looks OK so far.