Wifi, remote, reboot on H96 Pro+

  • So have latest image running on the box and the issues I've seen so far is:

    1. No WiFi (wired works and WiFi works in original Android image).

    2. Remote does not work. Saw a guide about putting a remote.conf file in storage/.config (I think it was) but cannot find this folder (remote works in original Android image).

    3. Bluetooth not available (works in original Android image).

    4. When powering off the box starts up immediately (i.e does a reboot and not a "true" power off).

    Any ideas or is this "normal"?

  • I'm not expecting mindreaders! ;) I just thought someone with the same box as me had perhaps the information needed.

    Not sure how I can see what WiFi and Bluetooth modules there are in it without opening the box (I tried looking around in LibreELEC and in the chinese Android image yesterday). If I look at other details will that tell the story perhaps? If so I can do that.

    In the uEnv.ini file I'm pointing to "meson-gxm-s912-libretech-pc.dtb".

  • The Libre.Computer boards aren't following the Android box reference designs and have no WiFi/BT hardware so 100% guaranteed those devices will be missing. I'd experiment with some of the Generic box gxm device-trees like Q200/Q201.

  • Just jumping in here with my first post. Let me first state that i absolutely love LibreELEC! Thanks so much for this one stop solution for everything kodi on these boxes! I recently was delighted to find out that you reintroduced S912 support. Huge cheers for that!

    So I tried to update my trusty old H96 pro + (3gb / blueish PCB) and faced similar problems as Kingpin. It seems pretty much everything besides WIFI is working here and it works as soon as i use an USB wlan dongle, but i was wondering if it's maybe just missing the correct driver? I tried the Q200/Q201 dtbs and both had non-working wifi.

    The internet says that this box has Broadcom QCA9377 wifi/bluetooth, so could you tell me if that's included or if it can be easily added?
