Estuary - hide watched

  • Hi,

    Would you consider add this patches to Kodi17-ich releases? On Deck

    It enables option to hide watched movies/tv series from the recently added items. I modify Confluence for this all the time (simple xml edit + skin widgets addon), for some reason (really dunno) Kodi devs doesnt considering this option to add into Kodi itself. But this is like must have thing for me (and I think I am not alone

    Thanks for feedback

    Edited once, last by JimmySmith (May 7, 2016 at 11:59 AM).

  • No, because those patches are for Confluence not Estuary.

    Also see PR5747 which has been rejected, as these changes are skin specific (they'll work for Confluence, but not for any other skin, including the now default Estuary).

    There's no chance of this being added to official LE releases given that it only works for a single third party skin. It has to be added as an upstream change in Kodi, which works for all skins.

  • Thanks for reply milhouse. I am sorry, I didnt realize that this isnt general patch. I wouldnt say that Confluence is 3rd party skin, although.

    Well, I can live with that until skin.widget will work, just it is little sad to me for missed opportunity make skin greater when Estuary was introduced.

    I totally agree with your post On Deck and I would like to thank you for describing implementation for us, who doesnt have experience with Estuary yet. From that you pointed, I am glad that Team Kodi make statement to leave Confluence as default also on future.

    To be honest, I usually stick with "if it isnt broke, dont mess with it". So I just hope, if that functionality will be broken in Estuary, Kodi 17 will be still compatible with skin widget, so I can easily keep that within Confluence .

    Edited once, last by JimmySmith (May 8, 2016 at 4:55 PM).