Geniatech T230 / August T210 v2

  • I have a Wetek Play version 1 and am trying to get a Geniatech T230 USB tuner to work under libreelec 7.0.2. The drivers are supported in kernel version 3.19 but the Wetek LE build is version 3.10
    Does anyone know of any plans to update the kernel on the Wetek Play or an alternative build for the Wetek which supports the T230?
    Thanks in advance.

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk

  • not so much relevant - but i just received the same T230 device today and have been testing with dvb-c.

    in libreelec alpha 7.9 it worked perfectly for a while and then suddenly stopped responding - then numerous continuity errors.

    i've put the device in my ubuntu server with tvheadend and it works flawlessly.

  • The device should work, but beware there are 3? versions out there with different drivers. It should work all three drivers in latest LE9.