HDD USB 3 spin-down. Over and over again

  • I just installed LE instead of OSMC. On OSMC my Seagate USB 3.0 HHD spin down without any additional actions from my side. I wonder why in EL for almost 7 years this problems doesn't solved?

    Is it possible to make some easy way to tune this feature desired by many users? Maybe anyone can post once again how to tune spin down function without reading tons of pages?

    Or I should go back to osmc? :blush:

  • Code
    ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="1", RUN+="/usr/sbin/hdparm -B 63 -S 36 /dev/%k"

    Put that ^ in /storage/.config/udev.rules.d/62-hdparm.rules and reboot to see if it improves things? NB: The -B value is power management aggressiveness between 0 (disabled) and 127 so we're setting it half-way, and the -S value is the power-down delay in multiples of 5 seconds, e.g. 36 = 5 mins.

  • I am very confused. I am a begginer in linux systems. So I enterd via SSH and than type all that was published in @code section@ above.

    Restart. And nothing happens.

    While if I use osmc HDD stops after some idel time of osmc automatically

    So what is wrong in my action?

    Thank you in advance for comments.

    PS I think it will be great if libreelec team solve this case after almost 7 years. Some simple GUI interface will be great.