Manual Mounting and sharing of USB disk while Auto sharing of USB disks is enabled

  • I have a LEE 11.x X86_64 install that I have been trying to do one thing with but I am running into some bumps in the road.

    I have a CF Card reader plugged into a USB port. The CF card is inserted and automatically shared using standard USB sharing in LE . Later if the card is removed, and replaced the share is no longer available to the iPad (or android device) used for viewing or to any Windows computer. It seems the share fails, not the mount. It is worth noting that these CF Cards are all formatted by a Canon Camera and share a common Volume label "CANON_DC", which LE used to mount and share by.

    This system is not here with me and I do not get a lot of time to play with it. so I am asking in general what should happen in the scenario below.

    So my goal was to set a manual mount point and fixed share. If I do this I can not disable Auto sharing of USB disks altogether, as I need that for other disks. Will this disk volume be ignored at automount if already manually mounted? Will it get mounted twice or cause an error?

    If I do this I would see the following happening When CF card is mounted I see the card. When the CF Card is not mounted I see the faux directory structure at the mount point (this is to ensure the desired path to "DCIM" does not cause an error on iPad).

    The only goal is to have a consistent network path from the iPad (or android device) to the CF Reader when a Card with label "Canon_DC" is inserted. If not then I should see mount point or directory structure at mount point.