deembedder audio passthrough

  • Is it possible to specify the AVR device that should handle audio passthrough?

    I have an old avr without e-arc so i use audio deembedder. HD audio is not always recognized correctly by the audio device. Sometimes I have to stop and start the video several times. I don't need sound on the TV speakers.

    Can I assign a denon receiver for all audio coming out of kodi?

  • You cannot select between the AVR or the de-embedder in Kodi, it will only offer "the" device it sees on the HDMI connection. If the splitter claims to be passing-through the properties of the upstream device or it's injecting properties .. no idea. If the splitter device is giving you problems perhaps remove it and attach the HTPC direct to the AVR, then run "getedid" to capture the EDID from the AVR and set things up so the HTPC/Kodi always sees the AVR as direct-connected. Then place the de-embedder back in the chain and hope it all still works.