Video File Crashes LibreELEC 11.0.3 on Raspberry Pi 4

  • Doesn't crash using Kodi on macOS.

    This file was created using tvheadend recording a terrestrial tv broadcast.

    Here is the log file:

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    And here is a trimmed file that causes the crash:

    md5 of the file in case that matters

    466f860c245b3b97b6794b1ee741130b Jeopardy-2023-08-15_19:30-crashesKodi.ts

  • I tested this file with mplayer on my x86 Ubuntu laptop.

    It played for a while then got very confused

    and crashed here:

    It may be best to report this to ffmpeg - it is not a Pi specific or kodi/libreelec specific issue.

  • Haven't had a chance to try LE12 nightly, but glad to hear it doesn't seem to crash it.

    The file doesn't crash with my mpv install, but mine uses ffmpeg 6.0 so I wonder if they've already got a fix.

    Thank you for the replies.

  • Haven't had a chance to try LE12 nightly, but glad to hear it doesn't seem to crash it.

    I think whether it crashes or not on a given platform is just luck - whether the invalid pointers accessed happen to point to previously allocated memory or not.

    kodi didn't crash for me on RPiOS bookworm (using ffmpeg 5.1.3) but did on Ubuntu 23.04 (using ffmpeg 5.1.2).

    But feel free to try LE12 and see if it is more reliable.