LibreElec Time Issues

  • I've spent the weekend searching on-line trying to resolve this one.

    I upgraded to LibreElec 11.0.3 (clean install) on a mini PC (Prometheon ClassFlow - identical to the Zotac Mini Nano) on Friday and have been unable to install any add-ons from the official Kodi repostory; I've narrowed this down to what I believe to be a time sync problem.

    Regional settings are correct in Kodi, but they reflect the INCORRECT time in LibreElec (which is 3 hours off - matching UTC time instead of my actual local time). When I run "connmanctl clock" over SSH it's showing the correct timezone but the last line shows "TimeserverSynced = False" (screenshot attached) and, if this is the issue as I suspect, I haven't been able to find a way to correct it.

    Some guidance would be appreciated.

  • Code
    RPi4:~ # date
    Tue Aug 15 11:17:41 +04 2023
    RPi4:~ # connmanctl clock
      Time = 1692083766
      TimeUpdates = auto
      Timezone = Asia/Dubai
      TimezoneUpdates = auto
      Timeservers = [  ]
      TimeserverSynced = True

    Have you forced/set the list of NTP servers? .. we use by default ^ so there should be no need to set anything.

  • Code
    RPi4:~ # date
    Tue Aug 15 11:17:41 +04 2023
    RPi4:~ # connmanctl clock
      Time = 1692083766
      TimeUpdates = auto
      Timezone = Asia/Dubai
      TimezoneUpdates = auto
      Timeservers = [  ]
      TimeserverSynced = True

    Have you forced/set the list of NTP servers? .. we use by default ^ so there should be no need to set anything.

    Was this a reply to my issue chewitt ? The quoted code makes it look like it was a response to a different post as the Timezone, Timeservers, and TimeserverSynced state don't relate to mine.

  • Well, it appears I've wasted a lot of time on a "snipe hunt". :cursing:

    After all the frustrations, the issues appear to stem from a bad ethernet port on the box. I tested all the cables back to the switch with my cable tester and they all checked out fine so by a process of elimination the fault lies with the port itself. Once I turned on and connected to wireless I was able to install the add-on I was chasing. Still not clear on where the box was displaying the time from but I'm not going to waste any more time trying to figure that one out.

    Sorry for anyone else's time I wasted. Please change the header as I don't seem to be able to mark this as resolved - or simply delete the thread if that's possible as it doesn't provide any useful information for anyone that might stumble across it.