[RPi4] Argon One Case Shutdown

  • ApexDE ,

    the behavior was not changed (also not planned) with regard to the edge use case with the file argon40_rc.lock. Also the naming is left the same because it remains an Argon40 device, and I like short file names for locks. ;)

    Regarding your feature request, I have already explained the related caveats/restrictions in the past of this thread. Can you please open an issue on GitHub so that it is tracked and not forgotten.

    Edited once, last by HarryH (March 27, 2025 at 10:23 AM).

  • For LE13 nightlies the add-on is availabe now via the "LibreELEC Add-ons" repo. I have installed the add-on from there with a recent nightly from scratch and it's working right. It's also offered as an possible update if you manually installed v1.1.7 from GitHub before, but then will not automatically overwritten. Locations to change to the repo version:

    * Add-ons / Add-on browser/ Available updates -> Argon ONE Control
    * Add-ons / Program add-ons / Argon ONE Control -> context menu -> Information -> Versions -> Version

  • It appears what you mix up/create a theoretical issue, which do not exist if you would follow the advice of chewitt and also doesn't exist in practice (especially if the advices in the README at GitHub are not skipped, or those from above).

    Because 1.1.7 and use the same add-on id "service.argononecontrol", you will never have installed both version simultaneous. The last installed package version wins and overwrites the other. On that way you could switch between both, if would a different in code. Use case: a newer version is available at GitHub and you can't wait until it's released via the LibreELEC repo.

    By the way: If something in the README is unclear documentated, please direct to the paragraph and ask straight forward. Maybe my wording is wrong (I'm not a native English speaker) and can misinterpreted or an information is missing. Sometimes it seems as if only headings are read or entire paragraphs in which the answer has already been given are skipped. The latter is frustrating because I can't fix the behaviour of the readers and it makes additional effort.

    Edited once, last by HarryH (March 29, 2025 at 8:42 AM).

  • Once you install an addon (ID) from a third-party repo it will only update from that repo even if other repos have the same addon ID and a newer version available. I forget the logic for manual installs from zip but I suspect Kodi will not auto-update the ID from an online repo if you install from zip. Kodi has some very specific logic around repo updates due to general problems seen with piracy oriented third party add-on repos that have the habit of publishing addons and modified dependencies that reuse the same ID(s) with the version articifically bumped to 'force' the modified version to be used instead of the correctly numbered versions available in the official Kodi repo.

  • chewitt ,

    the logic for manual installs from zip is not annoying and works fine, looks as intended. I have actively tested this with LE13 nightly.

    Also if the add-on has been installed from zip, an available update from LibreELEC add-ons repo will be announced. At this point you can decide to accept or ignore the update. It will not automatically updated via "Install auto updates only" or a background schedule, because the current installed version is not from a repo, thats the only different I found.
    If you accept the announced add-on update from repo via "Install all updates", then you will on track with the repo afterwards and will get all future updates from the repo.

    In addition, it is possible to switch to the zip version with the same add-on ID from GitHub, if required. This can be helpful for those affected, for example, if a new version with an urgent change is available but the build/publishing process for the repo has not yet been completed. As soon as the add-on version becomes available in the repo, you can switch back to the repo version and it will be updated automatically from then on.

    Of course, it's easiest to just use the repo version. That was the main reason for including it in the repo.

    Edited once, last by HarryH (March 30, 2025 at 2:39 PM).