Cant remove Master Lock Password. profiles.xml restores after reboot

  • Hi,
    I have LibreELEC on Raspi 3 and (have no idea how) forgot the Master Lock Password.

    I can see the encrypted key and settings in the profiles.xml file when I connect over SSH but the problem is that if I change it, or even delete the file, after reboot the Raspi, the file is restored with old values inside.

    Im pretty sure this is not how it supposed to work. Right?


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  • Kodi was running, while you tried to change/delete the file? In that case I suppose it would save the file from memory to disk on shutdown...

    In case you don't want to stop the Kodi process and then change the file, have you tried shutting the Rpi down, removing the memory card/flashdisk and modifying the file via different computer?

    Don't forget to make backup of the file, just in case...

  • Kodi was running, while you tried to change/delete the file? In that case I suppose it would save the file from memory to disk on shutdown...

    In case you don't want to stop the Kodi process and then change the file, have you tried shutting the Rpi down, removing the memory card/flashdisk and modifying the file via different computer?

    Don't forget to make backup of the file, just in case...

    Hi, thanks for answer. Will I be able to access the .kodi/userdata on Windows without installing additional software?

  • Will I be able to access the .kodi/userdata on Windows without installing additional software?

    No. But is really not needed.

    Via ssh do:

    systemctl stop kodi
    # edit/delete anything needed
    systemctl start kodi
  • mglae You've been faster, just as I was writing basically the same answer :D

    skullmonkey You are welcome. Just don't forget to make backup of the file (or whole installation, for that matter), you never know. For example cp ./profiles.xml ./profiles.xml_bak from within the directory containing the profiles.xml file will give you a chance of recovery in case something goes awfully wrong...