[Orange Pi 3 LTS] Are 8GB EMMC enough?

  • hello, Im waitting for a Orange Pi 3 lts to arrive, i think its time to retire my RPi3 b+... Ive been reading about this OPi3 to become familiar with installation procedure etc...then and read I can use OPi3 EMMC to put libreelec there, but Im concerned about de 8Gb capacity, as i understand its "enough" to run LE, but recommended SD cards point to 16 or even 32gb, so, will it be "worthwhile" to run libreelec over EMMC (faster than SD) against, lets say, run it with more avaliable space (32 or 64gb) and a fast SD like sandisk extreme pro A2?, will 8gb limit LE someway?

    excuse my english, i learned by myself

    thank you.

    Edited once, last by jordixPI3 (June 24, 2023 at 7:14 AM).

  • hi there, just arrived my OPi3 LTS, librelec running fine and quite fast from EMMC, it was pretty easy to do. now kodi runs really much faster than RPI3b+ and YEEEEEESSSS now i can play h265 that was annoying me a lot this lasts days, more and more streaming video use this codec than RPI3 can not play...

    Just to mention one thing, trying to install one addon OPI3 crashed, nothing that worried to me, this things happends sometimes when installing "things", well, turned PS off then on again and... nothing happened, no power led, just the heatsink fan spinning... tried again a couple of times with no successs, then I get worried hahahaha, disconnected everithig (my external HDD, mini keyb receiver and HDMI cable) and it boot again normally.

    Ive been testing a few times, and for sure it wont boot when hdd is connected just to the USB 3 port (supossed to be the upper one of the two blue ports), after moving HDD to lower/other port its booting fine and really fast.

    May be insufficient power supply power to boot USB 3 power + board at same time ? (its a 3A Aliexp. PS), or may be some issues with this port when booting?, I dont know, but i think HDD will draw same current amount when plugged in USB 3 than USB 2. However that doesnt concerns much to me, using USB 2 is not critical to me because I only use HDD to play some movies/series i like to keep there.

    BTW, heatshink from AliExp I purchased its really bad designed LOL, need some work on it, thermal pads are as thicker than a cushion because heatsink can not belowered more than those components arround de PMU chip, same for the USB-C conn, it doesnt allow heatsink to go closer to the CPU, RAM and EMMC chips, great design work... however max temp I have seen for now its 53 celsius, so nothing to worry about running librelec for me, so far...

    thank you your support.

    Edited once, last by jordixPI3 (July 6, 2023 at 10:19 PM).