[unofficial] LibreElec (Nexus) 11.0.1 for RPi3

  • I played back an online livestream and when i stopped it, the main menu did not come back. The screen went black. Did not get a log sorry.

    No worries, unfortunately it happens sometimes. I'll release a fix for it in the next couple days. Thank you for the feedback.

    I did try but update is getting stuck..it says it's incompatible with rpi2

    You may have to make a clean install, because the kernel is 64-bit. I'll recommend you to make backup before clean install, in case it does not boot. Thank you for testing!

  • The image compatibility check will fail during RPi2 to RPi3 update/crossgrade as the image name doesn't match the current one. The cheat for that is "touch /storage/.update/.nocompat" before rebooting.

  • The image compatibility check will fail during RPi2 to RPi3 update/crossgrade as the image name doesn't match the current one. The cheat for that is "touch /storage/.update/.nocompat" before rebooting.

    In my experience, upgrading from LE 10.0.2 image with ".nocompat" to my internal builds on February resulted unbootable system. I don't know why that happened, but main difference was kernel architecture. I'm not sure if it behaves same on I just wanted to note that.

    EDIT: I've just tested with RPi3 device, there is no problems. Please ignore my previous statements about it. ".nocompat" is safe for upgrading even if your kernel architecture differs between versions.

    Edited once, last by ardaoktay (April 13, 2023 at 2:00 PM).

  • I played back an online livestream and when i stopped it, the main menu did not come back. The screen went black. Did not get a log sorry.

    I've just released an update to address the problem that you've experiencing. You may want to try it out.

    Attaching gdb after things have locked up and looking at the threads that are blocked may be illuminating.

    Well, I've just made a dirty workaround about the renderer buffer flush hangs. I know it's not elegant and there may be future caveats. How do you feel about this workaround?

    Edited once, last by ardaoktay (April 13, 2023 at 3:09 PM).

  • Bypassing a lock a library uses to ensure thread safe modification to a linked list is obviously going to be unsafe.

    I'm not modifying the queue under the priv->core. But in the destructor, mmal_port_disable does that properly with locking component. Before that, I'm just triggering firmware flush and releasing leftover buffers.

    Probably I'll need to reverse the start.elf to know what exactly going on in the renderer's pf_flush function, I just took my chance to speed up the process if there is a quick answer in your mind. :)

  • The image compatibility check will fail during RPi2 to RPi3 update/crossgrade as the image name doesn't match the current one. The cheat for that is "touch /storage/.update/.nocompat" before rebooting.

    Hi chewitt that didn't work

    Failed update detected - performing recovery


    Fresh install rpi2 --> stuck on rainbow screen

    Edited 2 times, last by Mario77 (April 13, 2023 at 7:44 PM).

  • I would like to thank you (author of the fork) for the effort. I am still running libreelec 9.2.8 on rpi3b+ mainly because of having some part of video content in hevc. I was going to try this fork for quite long time and it finally came. I performed clean install.

    The main purpose of the system is to run video add-on "skylink live tv" (side service for satellite tv). It runs pretty well on standard 9.2.8. It also runs OK on libreelec 10/11. However those lack hevc support on rpi3.

    Based on my notes, the skylink video add-on depends on:

    - iptv simple client pvr add-on - this one is not required. It is optional for extended functionality.

    - inputstream adaptive video add-on

    Unfortunately, the playback performance of the streaming is very poor on the fork.

    I played with various settings accessible through the gui. I did not manage to break it. Unfortunately, neither I enhanced it.

    Do you plan some maintenance release of this fork 11.0.1.x or perhaps newer 11.0.x/12 with focus on performance improvements?