[LE 11 - RPI4] two video issues

  • Hello,

    I open a new thread because I had no responses for LE 11 - live tv sometime fail to launch.

    I'm currently on libreelec 10 , tvheadend on separate server , everything work perfectly.

    Now I'm try to update to LE11. When I say update , I mean fresh install ( I always do that for major upgrade).

    I'm facing 2 issues :

    Live TV / DRMprime

    Regularly , live tv fail to launch. it'"s describe in previous post ( here )

    Today I have identify that disable DRM prime in player option , livetv launch with out any issue

    But because this disable HW decoder , h265 movie unplayable , but it's really "enable drm prime -> livetv fail to launch , disable -> i can watch tv )

    YOutube addon / inpustream addon

    Another issue with youtube addon , video stop during playback.
    I discover that if a disable the usage of inputstream.adaptative / mpeg dash addon , it's works but I can't have more than 720p on youtube.

    Those 2 issue are really blockers for me to update , I had no answers for my previous post so I want to know the best way to resolve this.

    Do you know if tose issues have been identified and some work have started ?

    Do you prefer forum thread per issue ?
    Or issue on github ?

    I will give you as much logs and detail possible but if nobody check , it's useless to do that :)

    Thx reading for me !

    Edited 2 times, last by celedhrim (March 24, 2023 at 8:41 PM).