Specs of the "Q96max":
- CPU S905L (most likely -B revision @ 1.5GHz)
- Board p201 (HDMI, 2x USB2, "AV", IR receiver, LED)
- RAM 1GB, Flash 8GB eMMC ("Kingston M72808", not verified)
- LAN 10/100mbit
- WiFi 2.4GHz only (ssv6200 SDIO, using SSV6051P driver, reported chip id RSV6200A0-201311)
Using LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0.0-box (after a reboot update command), results depending on device tree, best to worse:
- meson-gxl-s905x-p212 -- 1GB, no WiFi, audio seems to get stuck sometimes
- meson-gxl-s905l-venz-v10 -- 1GB, no WiFi, audio seems to get stuck sometimes
- meson-gxbb-p201 -- doesn't boot at all
I haven't checked remote, LAN, LED in LibreElec yet.
It's pre-loaded with Android 7.1. I have captured dmesg and a dump of /dev/dtb and /proc/device-tree and can upload these if necessary. The case doesn't look easy to open so no pictures of the board, sorry. Android uses ssv6051 module for WiFi. dmesg prints out "SSV WLAN driver ssv6200".
(1) Is this generally the right image to start with, or is there something more suitable?
(2) I saw "No support for SSV6501" in the release notes - is this the same as ssv6051 or a typo or same family?
(3) It seems that I might need to create a more specific device tree (i.e. meson-gxl-s905l-p201-2gb), and maybe install a kernel module for the WiFi. Any pointers on how to get started with these?
(4) Anything else I can provide?