Short story:
LibreELEC 11 Generic upgrade doesn't create the GUI, but a LibreELEC 11 Generic boot usb booted to the LIVE environment works fine.
HP Stream Mini (Model 200-009 - Intel Celecron 2975U, 4GB RAM)
- connected via HDMI through an AVR to a 1080p TV
- PC always booted after TV and AVR powered up fully
Intel NUC NUC8i3BEH (with 8GB RAM)
- connected direct to a 1080p TV via HDMI
Long story:
I upgraded my LibreELEC 10.0.4 install on two PC's using LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-11.0.0.img.gz and both do not create the GUI. They remain at the LibreELEC post screen and do not get to the Kodi Nexus boot screen graphic nor GUI proper.
I can reach the system via SMB and via SSH. But the debug log shows it cannot create the GUI. My LibreELEC 10 install was from scratch, and the only add-on would have been from the official repo (at most maybe a visualizer for music).
Of course updating to LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.0.img.gz resolves the problem. I kind of half expected a problem with the HP as it was an older Intel chip, but not with the more recent Intel NUC 8th gen i3.
So I got curious and created a LibreELEC 11 Generic usb and booted to the Live environment on both PC's. That worked fine including playing a few videos to test.
I have backups created so I can try a full reinstall from scratch or just blow away the profile and try again, as I understand it still might be something in the profile or some kind of corruption.
However, I thought I'd ask for help first. I saw one mention of something similar in the forum. Plus the fact that booting from the Live usb environment works kinda bothers me. Here are my debug logs:
L11 Generic, loglevel=1 - (HP Stream Mini)
L11 Generic, loglevel=2 - (HP Stream Mini)
Aside from it repeating the unable to create GUI message there isn't anything obvious to my untrained eyes that I can see as odd.
Any dev or otherwise knowledgeable person have an idea?