Can't pull arm64 docker image.

  • Hi

    I find problems to pull this container:

    docker pull jlesage/jdownloader-2

    Using default tag: latest

    latest: Pulling from jlesage/jdownloader-2

    no matching manifest for linux/arm/v8 in the manifest list entries

    I see it has the tag for arm64 image and the kernel of your SO is aarch64 (Im using the raspberry pi 4 image)

    Linux kodi 6.1.12 #1 SMP Tue Feb 28 04:39:00 UTC 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

    where is the problem, is the docker app of your repo 32bit?

  • any idea?, maybe it is something known and it is already answered... but I've used the search and I din't found something related in 3 o 4 pages of results.

  • sorry I have to wait to post messages.

    #### docker info


    Context: default

    Debug Mode: false


    Containers: 3

    Running: 3

    Paused: 0

    Stopped: 0

    Images: 3

    Server Version: library-import

    Storage Driver: overlay2

    Backing Filesystem: extfs

    Supports d_type: true

    Using metacopy: false

    Native Overlay Diff: true

    userxattr: false

    Logging Driver: journald

    Cgroup Driver: systemd

    Cgroup Version: 2


    Volume: local

    Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay

    Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog

    Swarm: inactive

    Runtimes: io.containerd.runc.v2 runc

    Default Runtime: runc

    Init Binary: docker-init

    containerd version: 78f51771157abb6c9ed224c22013cdf09962315d

    runc version: 6724737f999df9ee0d8ca5c6d7b81f97adc34374

    init version:

    Security Options:


    Profile: unconfined


    Kernel Version: 6.1.12

    Operating System: LibreELEC (official): 11.0.0

    OSType: linux

    Architecture: aarch64

    CPUs: 4

    Total Memory: 7.627GiB

    Name: kodi

    ID: c2bec4e2-1de2-4e6d-b8e6-4b1c8200cc37

    Docker Root Dir: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.system.docker/docker

    Debug Mode: false


    Experimental: false

    Insecure Registries:

    Live Restore Enabled: false

    WARNING: No memory limit support

    WARNING: No swap limit support

    #### docker version


    Version: 23.0.1

    API version: 1.42

    Go version: go1.19.5

    Git commit: a5ee5b1dfc9b8f08ed9e020bb54fc18550173ef6

    Built: Sun Mar 5 18:10:23 UTC 2023

    OS/Arch: linux/arm

    Context: default



    Version: library-import

    API version: 1.42 (minimum version 1.12)

    Go version: go1.19.5

    Git commit: library-import

    Built: library-import

    OS/Arch: linux/arm

    Experimental: false


    Version: 1.6.16

    GitCommit: 78f51771157abb6c9ed224c22013cdf09962315d


    Version: 1.1.4

    GitCommit: 6724737f999df9ee0d8ca5c6d7b81f97adc34374


    Version: 0.19.0


  • LibreELEC 11 has aarch64 kernel but arm (32bit) userspace so you can't use aarch64 docker containers, you need to use arm (32bit) containers.

    LibreELEC 12 (development just started this week) switched RPi4 to aarch64 - but it will take a while until it's out and as it's bleeding new edge right now I wouldn't recommend switching to it unless you are prepared for a bumpy ride, constant breakage and lots of bugs.

    so long,
