Wrong mirror is selected when downloading updates

  • Hello,

    This barely qualifies as a bug but it has been occurring through a few updates now. I’m in Canada, not using any sort of proxy or VPN, but it consistently selects the mirror in Portugal. If I let it go it takes almost 30 minutes for the update to download. However, if I manually wget the update from one of the US mirrors it takes less than 10 seconds.

    Is there somewhere that my locale is set incorrectly?


  • Your download request hits our mirror redirector (running mirrorbits) which we would expect to route you to a mirror geographically close or at least in the same continent. The geo data isn't always accurate though, and with ISPs trading IPv4 address space ASNs that used to belong to someone else can give occasional random results. Or maybe the wrong number of jelly beans were in the jar today.. we honestly have no idea (and no real influence) on how it works.