Just tried a fresh install of Nexus on a RockPro64 and got a black screen. Decided to try the upgrade route instead from 10.04 to 11.0 and had much better results. Upgrade went fine BUT the black screen returns when doing system restart. If I power down the unit and start from cold LE is booting fine. I have to say this is a new one on me. I’ve ruled out the possibility of cable issues too.
Fresh install Nexus on RockPro64-Black screen
petediscrete -
March 7, 2023 at 12:32 PM -
Thread is Resolved
As I had a working LE screen I tried this.
On an SSH session I tried get edid create and the response I received was
-sh: get: not found
Does the get command work directly from an LE SSH session without installing any further utilities. I don’t see it in the built in commands.
"getedid create" not "get edit create" .. try again
"getedid create" not "get edit create" .. try again
I did try a few variations just in case and indeed tried as you suggested “getedid create”. Response
-sh: getedid create: not found.
Looks like getedid create is not an option with LE on the RockPro64 board. Amazingly both a cold start and a warm start using the Rock64Pro onboard switches and the LE Power Off followed by a switch on return a perfect boot with correct display. The only non functioning item now is the LE Reboot. That option returns a black screen.
I’ll stick with the onboard reset until myself or someone figures this one out. Maybe someone from the Rock Chip community might have some thoughts on this if they happening to be passing through.
Just a follow up with a log after LE on screen Reboot http://ix.io/4qyB
Screen remains black. Once the RockPro64 onboard reset button is pressed LE boots normally. A little puzzling.
If cold boot works and warm (re)boot does not work, it's either a PMIC (power management chip) or SD card voltage-on-reset issue.
ping knaerzche
If cold boot works and warm (re)boot does not work, it's either a PMIC (power management chip) or SD card voltage-on-reset issue.
ping knaerzche
LE 10.04 works fine on all boot options. This behaviour started on LE 10.95. I’m assuming the change to kernel 6x has something to do with this problem on this board using the RK3399 chip.
I tried an identical setup using the Rock64 (RK3328) and everything is working fine.
Well I have it booting from power on and power reset on the RockPro64. The LE Power Off and power recycle works too. Everything booting as it should and GUI displays at correct resolution with CEC. What I don’t see is the LE boot splash screen during the boot process.
The RockPro64 had two versions, rev2 and rev3. I have the rev 2. The boards were advised as LTS 2023 and beyond (take that with a pinch of salt from Pine) so it’s difficult to tell where this problem lies other than early on in the boot process and the missing LE boot splash screen could point to changes in kernel 6.x which may have exposed the issues highlighted by chewitt above.
Happily everything else is working as it should and appears very stable now. Running 24 hours now and no issues to report so far.
I was just about to make the following post when I decided to look at this problem and tried the following
SSH into LE.
mount -o remount,rw /flash
cd /flash/extlinux
nano extlinux.conf
Not sure what the contents of other users extlinux.conf files look like but I added the following
"video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60DI" into the APPEND line so the whole line looks like this
APPEND boot=UUID=2802-3907 disk=UUID=96107177-1923-4a03-8e37-b4cdaeae519e quiet console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff1a0000 console=tty0 coherent_pool=2M video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60D cec.debounce_ms=5000
Just issue the reboot command in SSH and everything is now working perfectly.
I tried a number of other suggestions that didn't work. Reading up on a number of them and using a little logic got me there in the end.
Again this was happening with a RockPro64 RK3399 rev2.1 board. May be of use to others in a similar situation.