Nexus 11 Beta 2 can't set video content type (TV/Movies/etc) on RPi4

  • Hello,

    I upgraded from 10.0.4 to Nexus 11 Beta 2 but when I reboot my library is empty. The Video sources are still there but it seems that the Set Type option doesn't save. It always reverts to None. If I change it and I'm prompted to refresh the existing content and I say Yes nothing happens.

    Have I missed this somewhere? I've tried looking from the config files from my 10.0.4 install and I can't even find where the Content Type is actually saved. I assumed it would be in the sources.xml file but apparently not.


    Edit - Details that I didn't originally think were pertinent...I am using an external MariaDB instance for the Kodi DB and apparently my version of MariaDB is old. A database guy I am not. In hindsight it does make sense that something like MariaDB doesn't just update itself automatically. Need to figure out how to do this and then try Beta 2 again. Not sure if this should be deleted or left for anyone else who may run into that same issue. I can post how I upgraded once I figure that part out.

    Edited once, last by Andrew K (February 20, 2023 at 11:58 PM).

  • If you enable debug logging you should be able to see in logs if/when it throws errors due to DB queries (or writes) failing. Your MariaDB instance will need to be quite old to not work, but there is a point where that happens.

  • Update - Success!

    When I started my version of MariaDB was

    mariadb-admin Ver 9.1 Distrib 10.6.12-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu on aarch64

    I upgraded in two steps. My first step brought me to 10.7.8

    mariadb-admin Ver 9.1 Distrib 10.7.8-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu on aarch64

    However, when I ran mysql_upgrade it showed this as the first line

    Major version upgrade detected from 10.3.22-MariaDB to 10.7.8-MariaDB. Check required!

    So I have a feeling that while I might have been running 10.6.12 the version of the database format/structure (don't know the appropriate terminology here) was based on 10.3.22.

    I didn't bother to test this LibreELEC because it did warn me that it was a short term support release.

    At this point I figured to throw caution to the wind and go straight to 10.11.2 which I see now is a developmental release but it Beta 2 is now working just fine. I'll be making notes on this one so that I can upgrade to the stable version of 11 when it comes out. I don't blame them but the documentation for all this assumes you are more advanced at all this.
