Lots of skipped frames in LE 10.0.4

  • Sorry for missing the part about the sample.

    I would have sent it earlier. I have two clips, one starts from the beginning and the other shows some rolling titles which clearly show skipped frames



    Thanks for the samples! Both of them play fine on LE11 and the scroller/ticker is smooth, too.

    so long,


  • Hi

    I tested LE11 and indeed, playback is smooth. If you run the Player Debug Info, you will see skipped frames but if you turn it off, it's helluva smooth!


    Now, since this is a beta, I guess there are still some issues that need to be solved (i cannot find any release note so I can't tell how big the issues currently are, or if there is something missing).

    How is LE11 trustable? When will a final release be made available? I am now eager to get it :)

    Thanks a lot


  • Good to hear LE11 is running fine on your setup, too!

    Skipped frames with GUI overlays is a known kodi issue, unfortunately no solution for that yet.

    The current LE11 nightlies should be very stable, I'm running them as a daily driver here. LE11 final should be out in the next couple of weeks and so far I'm not aware of any major issues on RPi.

    So it should be safe to use it until LE11 final is released.

    so long,
