As my set I'm running a RPi B+ with a hifiberry amp+.
I used the doc from hifiberry for libreelec
And have the following in my config.txt:
This gives me an ALSA device to choose.
I only want to use this setup with spotify, so I installed librespot.
I can connect with libreelec via the spotify app but the sound is very choppy. It seems like it's playing 2-3 seconds forward and jumps 1 second backwards.
So I read somewhere else that the old hifiberry amp+ board should be treated as a dac+ board since there is a dac+ board integrated, but
Dtoverlay = hifiberry-dacplus
Gives me no additional audio device to choose. No ALSA device visible in the settings.
LibreELEC 9.2.6
Do you have any suggestions what I can do?
Thanks in advance