Lock the audio device

  • Hi, I’ve got x86 box with Matrix installed. Every time it reboots, I need to switch audio device from Analog to HDMI. It’s frustrating. How do I lock the HDMI as default audio device or how to uninstall/remove analog from audio devices’ list?

    It didn’t happen with Krypton.

  • I tried that already. it brings popup on every media playback start asking to select the audio profile.
    without selecting the audio profile the pop up window is present and it doesn't play the sound.
    even the profile set for auto selection is the one I want to use it always pops up the selection window.
    so, either I don't understand it, or I have misconfigured (I don't think so) , or it doesn't do what I expect it to do. and it is not to select anything, but have the HDMI selected once and for all and forever.

  • ok, I got the solution. you need to get devices list with command aplay -L

    aplay -L

    then you need to update the advancedsettings.xml with the new default audio device
