Stuck on Kodi screen after reboot

  • I have LE 10.0.3 running on an RPi4 and have been using the same configuration for a few years (updating through various LE versions). I rebooted the RPi4 yesterday and am now stuck on the Kodi screen-- the one that comes after the "LibreElec Just enough OS for Kodi" screen. I attached a picture below so I'm clear. SSH into the RPi4 works, it has an internet connection as measured through response pings to external sites, and it has a proper wireguard connection to a VPN service. I have tried rebooting a few times, and executed a shutdown and power up. Same result, I am at stuck at the Kodi screen.

    Any advice you have for interrogating and/or resolving my situation are gladly appreciated.

  • Have a look at /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log for errors/issues. My thoughts would be a corrupted DB file or something add-on related. Worst case stop Kodi and rename /storage/.kodi to /storage/.kodi-old and restart; then start copying back config/content items from the old install until you either find the problem or end up with a working install again.

  • Thanks chewitt. There are three errors:

    2023-01-05 04:46:55.722 T:1014    ERROR <general>: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
    2023-01-05 04:46:56.857 T:1029    ERROR <general>: SQL: [Textures13.db] SQLite error SQLITE_ERROR (no such table: version)
                                                       Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
    2023-01-05 04:46:56.858 T:1029    ERROR <general>: Process error processing job 

    There are also three warnings but all look inconsequential. The final two errors above are the final entries in the log file while the first one occurs earlier. I know just enough to be dangerous with Linux, so while I understand DBus is a logging system and SQLite is a database system I have a hard time interpreting the errors. You mention it may be a corrupted DB file; do these errors change your advice for a path forward or should I still do what you explained?


  • Textures13.db has become corrupted so a query to the DB fails; this is shown in the second and third errors. The DBus error is harmless.

    Delete the Textures13.db file and the thumbnails folder. The DB will be recreated on Kodi restart, and thumbnails will be re-downloaded on access to GUI views that require artwork. If you don't remove the thumbs the cache references will be incorrect and you'll have blanks all over the GUI and you'll need to manually refresh everything to repopulate content.