Cannot update

  • Hi, since I've bought my Eminent media player I've done basically nothing with it but watching movies on USB.

    Recently I tried to delve into my LibreELEC settings for the first time but could not understand it at all (yes, I'm not good at this at all. I'm just an end-user thank you).

    Somehow I cannot perform any system updates. It just says: update failed.

    I think I've managed to safeguard the general log file (with help of the how-to found at:, attached here.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Your box is running an unofficial OS image created by someone called "surkovalex" under contract with Eminent. The sources for the OS are posted here although it's years since I bothered to look at what changes have been made (and I don't plan to start now). In short; we know nothing about Eminent boxes and we don't provide updated images for them. That said, you may be able to use the dtech 9.2.8 release which still uses the old vendor kernel and fixes a few things. If you need a newer Kodi version and aren't too demanding with codecs there is also an LE11 nightly AMLGX image which runs reasonably well on an S905X device; there are quite a few other S905X box devices based on the Amlogic reference design so you can probably find a device-tree file to use and get things working.

  • ErVeTeBe

    The system update will not work, because the manufacturer did not release a newer LE9.2 image.
    But, I looked into the 9.2.5 image of EM7680 and maybe this is causing your problem:

    Code: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/
    updates = {
        'ENABLED': True,
        'UPDATE_REQUEST_URL': '',
        'UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_URL': '',
        'LOCAL_UPDATE_DIR': '/storage/.update/',

    The update URL returns an HTTP 404 error, so the update channel is now dead.

    But, as I have seen, there is a bigger problem with this image:

    Code: /etc/ssl/cacert.pem.system
    Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Sat Sep 15 08:29:09 2018 GMT

    You can no longer access a lot of repositories with this outdated cacert.pem.

    The quick solution is this:

    October 13, 2021 at 1:16 PM