Kodi constantly pauses/resumes movie while playing

  • For some years, everything with my Kodi/LibreELEC installation was just fine, but recently (I think it started with the 10.0.2 update) some weird things started to happen. Basically when I start playing some movie on my TV (connected to RPI4B 2GRAM, LibreELEC 10.0.3), it plays well for some time (30min-1h, sometimes ever more), and then kodi interface pops up and the movie is repeatedly and constantly being paused and resumed again. It happens 3-5 times per second, every second till RPI is rebooted. When rebooted, everything backs to normal, but after some time, it stars all over again.

    In the Kodi log, I can see the following when the pause-resume event starts to happen:

    What could be wrong with my Kodi/LibreELEC installation? Does the problem lie in RPI, my old TV (15+ years), or the software is to blame?

  • "the micro-snippet that you think is useful" -- I don't think it's useful or not -- there's no messages in the log while playing a video, but when the weird things start happening, it throws the above messages in the log. So that's why I posted them.

    If you need any additional logs, just post commands you want me to run, and I provide you with their output.

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • I don't think this TV has such setting, because it's just a normal TV without any OS (like android) inside, it's also without WiFi and other modern equipment. I checked in the TV settings for anything like CEC and I couldn't find anything useful -- it's just a few settings there and none of them allow enabling/disabling CEC. So probably the TV starts to die, or something else is to blame. I checked the second HDMI port, and also a different HDMI cable, but none of them helped.

  • You may want to experiment with the RPi removed from the case. We see lots of random weird bug reprots from Argon One users caused by bad connectors and such. And yes it might have worked fine in the past, but.. that's not always a relevant observation.

  • I'm testing the CEC-disabled solution (both in tv and in kodi), and it looks like the problem disappeared -- I watched a few movies, and everything was just fine. So probably CEC was the case, but I need more testing and if in the coming days the issue doesn't return, I think the problem will be solved.

    Also thanks to pointing out that the Argon case can cause issues, I would have never thought of it as a source of problems.