Capturing boot up messages

  • Whilst investigating my HDD corruption I have noticed that, occasionally, that a number of messages are displayed on the monitor. These wizz by a bit to quickly for me to read :shy:

    Is there a setting I can use to capture them? I hope there's something in the Event Log that will permit me to record these but does not involve massive amounts for me to wade through and I'm hoping someone can point me to the right settings rather than just have to try all of them.

  • I assume you are seeing these messages at boot time only. How familiar are you with Linux. What you are seeing is the Linux bootloader doing its job. Those messages are usually suppressed using quiet and splash. I’ve no doubt your system is fine as you have no LE log errors.

    If you really are desperate to capture those messages read all about how it is generally achieved here…-boot-messages/

    Edited once, last by petediscrete (October 14, 2022 at 9:05 PM).

  • I assume you are seeing these messages at boot time only.

    Yup - as to Linux capability - very limited. Ignoring the PIs I have one Linux Mint PC ultralight notebook used whilst watching films to look things up. Never explored further than getting WINE running for a couple of homebrew apps.