Move thumbnails to external hard drive

  • Hi

    I've got LE9.2.8 on a RPi 3B+.

    My media is all on an external hard drive mounted as an nfs through systemd, the mount is required before Kodi starts. The mount path is /var/media/RPi3BEHD.

    My sd card gets a bit full for my liking, mostly due to Kodi's thumbnails, which I'd like to move to the external hard drive.

    I found this link ( but I can't quite get the <to> part right, or at least after restarting Kodi, it can't find the thumbnails.

    Here's what I'm using:


    I'm sure it's a simple fix but I'm stuck, TIA.

  • If the external drive has a Linux filesystem (EXT4, XFS, BTRFS, etc. - not NTFS/exFAT) it's probably just easier to modify cmdline.txt and use disk=/dev/sda1 so that /storage (and thus /storage/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails) is entirely on the USB drive.