Segmentation fault when a channel-switch-timer fires

  • nightly-20220823-65c516c (Generic.x86_64)

    I was watching Sat-TV with a channel switch timer set.

    when the timer fired kodi crashed repeatedly (~5 times) until the reboot into safe mode.

    issue wasn't reproducible so far and never seen before.

    I'm unsure if have seen the usual popup (10 sec down counter) before the switch happened.

    I believe not !

    for the record:

    to get the box into normal boot again I ssh'ed into it and deleted under /storage/.kodi/userdata/Database

    - Epg*.db

    - TV*.db

    no idea if it was the right thing to do, but it cleared the ~pending~ and crashing timer (normal boot was possible again)

    crashlog (alas Debug was off):

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  • Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying, I have been using the "KN Switchtimer Service" addon from the "Kodinerds Addon Repo" repository for a long time and it has always worked well for me switching TV channels. Segmentation errors are usually caused by some program defect that is corrected with a more recent version!

  • I have been using the "KN Switchtimer Service" addon from the "Kodinerds Addon Repo"

    the switchtimer is buildin (!) since LE11 and it was working since moons

    Segmentation errors are usually caused by some program defect that is corrected with a more recent version!

    please read the first sentence from comment #1 again and you would relalize that I'm (or at least I yesterday have been) on the most recent version !

    Edited once, last by GDPR-7 (August 25, 2022 at 6:46 PM).

  • With what you are saying, it seems that the problem is in LE 11, a version that I do not use. It seems that you will have to wait for the correction of this bug.