LibreElec 7.0.2 randomly turns on TV - HDMI-CEC Problem?

  • I use LibreElec on RPi2 connectet via HDMI to TV and use CEC to controll Kodi with TV Remote.

    Until 7.0.1 it worked fine, after Update to 7.0.2 Kodi / LibreElec turns on TV randomly :s is this a known Bug?
    Can i Downgrade to 7.0.1? Or deaktivate an option?

  • Doh. I had the same problem. So far disabling things in input settings of kodi made tv to not turn on. Unfortunately no idea which setting exactly did the trick.

  • I have same problem in generic build.

    I configure to suspend the device when push power key, then it automatically power off the TV with CEC.

    Sometimes, 5 minutes later it power on the device and TV. I don't understand why.

    How could I get logs about it?


  • I have same problem in generic build.

    I configure to suspend the device when push power key, then it automatically power off the TV with CEC.

    Sometimes, 5 minutes later it power on the device and TV. I don't understand why.

    How could I get logs about it?


    Logs you get when you connect via network browser to kodi device in folder log (takes a whil - creates zips with log files), and maybe in kodi log (should have greatest size) you will find something, but i did'nt find anything there.

    TV was off this morning thank you. Hope Milhouse "beta" brings not other suprises ;)