vcgencmd display_power broken?

  • Hi,

    i'm using the Turn Off-Screensaver to turn off an old PC-Display with an RPi2 via the vcgencmd method.

    on LE11, vcgencmd display_power 0 hasn't worked for some time, and since a few weeks, it does not work on LE10 from git anymore. Same behavior on both:

    # vcgencmd display_power 1

    # vcgencmd display_power 0

    Can someone reproduce this?



  • The legacy display-related programs and config options are obsolete since LE10 switched to the standard linux graphics stack.

    Don't use tvservice, vcgencmd display_power etc anymore, at best they won't do anything, at worst they might crash your RPi or mess up display output.

    so long,
