WiFi dependent content lags when set to low refresh rate

  • Hi,

    I encountered a strange bug recently. Depending on the refresh rate set. WiFi related content starts lagging/caching/buffering. I tested on a few nightly releases (like 05-23, 05-09, 05-26), same result on everyone of them. From what I tested, if the refresh rate is low, for e.g. 30Hz, the content starts to buffer. If set to high refresh rate, for e.g. 120Hz, it plays like a charm, no buffer no anything. I testing everything at 1080p with two add-ons, jellyfin and youtube(with tubemate). When set refresh rate to for e.g. 23.98Hz, jellyfin plays a few seconds then just plainly either stops playing at all or tries buffering and exits later, sometimes even manages to drop the WiFi connection. With youtube, plays 10-30 seconds starts buffering, buffers and keeps playing audio, but not video. If you try to reverse it, try to buffer and after few moments later it stops playing the video. Media from a USB stick plays fine.

    Logs with jellyfin: https://zerobin.net/?0ec59e15856b4…vGX92TtVp4QX6w=
    Logs with youtube: https://zerobin.net/?09ffedf2599ba…DgwCj5+zqWRiWk=

    I'm attaching the mediainfo of the file I tried to play from jellyfin

    also not related, but wanted to confirm that I also experience this problem https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv/issues/6475