HBO Max addon + Widevine ???

  • Hello guys,

    I just installed the LibreElec couple days ago and since then I am trying to start HBO Max addon works. But not luck.

    As LE doesnt support apt, I am not sure how can I get the libwidevinecdm0 library to the Raspbery Pi where I have Kodi installed.

    I managed to install the library on Raspbian:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $
    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt search widevine
    Sorting... Done
    Full Text Search... Done
    libwidevinecdm0/stable,now 4.10.2252.0-1 armhf [installed]
    Widevine CDM
    pi@raspberrypi:~ $

    So I thought that just simple copy/paste process would work, but if it is, I dont know where should I copy and what.

    Also when I checked the inputStream information, I've got this outcome:

    When I did a logs, I saw that inputstream adaptive gave me an Error:

    I generated the Widevine library with help of inputstream but it looks like it didnt help.

    As I already lost four days on this, I am starting to think if this HBO Max is even possible to have working.

    What's the point of any RPi or other IoT smart things if we are getting constantly clobbered by, updates, upgrades,

    improvements, new versions, releases, which are never working, needs hundred of hours troubleshootings and after months of struggling,

    we got another patch ?

    Had anybody got this addon working ?

    Is there some kind of magic guide which can help me to watch my HBO Max I am paying for ?

    many thanks

  • HBO max should depend upon inputstream.adaptive which should depend upon widevine.helper .. which should download and extract the widevine CDM lib file from a ChromeOS file (how these things are obtained) and install it to the required place. The Kodi log shows that you have inputstream.adaptive installed, and the pic shows that the CDM lib is installed. However it gets a 400 error when requesting a license from the HBO servers .. so the process fails.

    I'd probably start with reading the Kodi forum thread for HBO max add-on to see if there are transient issues (it happens) or if there's an issue with specific versions of the widevine lib (it also happens from time to time).

  • Code
    2022-05-09 20:18:50.812 T:1166    ERROR <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: License server returned failure

    This error and your screenshot (Widevine CDM never installed) makes me thinking, the download failed.

    If you search for "Widevine" on this forum, you'll find instructions how to manually download and install.