Kodi 19.1

  • trying to update my ARNU Box Mach 10 64-bit M905X box with newer Kodi 19.3. I do not have a clue. I can download anything on my MAC and transfer it to my box but do not no where to begin. Help


    downloaded LibreELEC for my MBP and received this message :

    PasteBoard: Error creating pasteboard: com.apple.pasteboard.clipboard [-4960]

    Is there a script to follow from a previous inquiry?

    Edited 2 times, last by larricka (March 18, 2022 at 8:57 PM).

  • If this is an Amlogic S905 box, then LE has not released any images with Kodi 19 so you are not running LE. There are nightly images for LE11 available from several places, but these use Kodi 20 (development) code, not Kodi 19.

    Explain what you are actually using and then we can provide better advice.