LibreELEC and SSL Cert Renewing

  • I have enabled TLS/SSL on my LibreELEC Kodi with a short lived (<24h) cert. After about 16 hours, the cert is automatically renewed by a custom systemctl service. Previously, I had been hoping that a renewed cert would just be automatically picked up by the Kodi web server. As it turned out, it isn't.

    I saw that restarting the kodi service with systemctl restart kodi.service did work to pick up the new cert, but it had the side effect of killing the Kodi UI and if you were in the middle of watching something, it would boot you back to the home screen. That isn't optimal.

    The behavior that I would really like to have is to restart maybe just the web server component of Kodi in order to pick up the new cert, without restarting the full kodi service, such that any media being watched would continue uninterrupted. Any one know how to do that?