I am completely stumped here. Since LE10, I can't get any content to work reliably on any Intel NUC in my possession, when all worked fine in LE9.2. I have 11 different media centers, ranging from NUC6 to NUC11, they are all showing this behavior with LE10 official, nightly and SMP builds. I am not sure what I am missing here as no one else seems to be having problems.
I have tried audio and video, local and networked. I get audio stuttering constantly and weird video problems on some videos. I have tried SMP's builds, which allow me to play 4K x265 content FLAWLESSLY. On the nightly and official builds there are some issues with 4K x265. All of the builds seem to struggle for me with any other format (h264, even mp3). When audio starts messing up and skipping with h264, the video starts to speed up (now playing faster than the audio).
This is completely random. Sometimes it will be the first few seconds of a video file, sometimes it will be the last few minutes, sometimes in the middle. Sometimes, a reboot "makes the issue better", when every single video will start skipping within seconds, a reboot can sometimes get me several minutes before skipping (on the same video file and same location / method of access).
I have tried every port, even forcing the audio to an analog port exhibits the same issues. I have tried several different active and passive DP > HDMI Adapters (all of which work fine with 9.2). I have tried with and without passthrough enabled. I have tried forcing video post processing. I have tried with hardware decoding on and off. I have tried forcing audio channels. I have tried adjust display refresh rate and sync playback to display. I have tried with HDR capabilities on and off. I have tried with DRM PRIME decoder testing every PRIME render method. I have tried blanking other displays and changing the resolution and refresh rate. I have also changed the number of buffers used by graphics driver.
2022-02-21 00:35:23.218 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1003.977239
2022-02-21 00:35:23.260 T:817 DEBUG <general>: CVideoReferenceClock: detected 1 vblanks, missed 2, refreshrate might have changed
2022-02-21 00:35:23.268 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1017.200543
2022-02-21 00:35:23.268 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1013.199552
2022-02-21 00:35:23.318 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1013.752489
2022-02-21 00:35:23.318 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1009.751280
2022-02-21 00:35:23.344 T:817 DEBUG <general>: CVideoReferenceClock: detected 1 vblanks, missed 2, refreshrate might have changed
2022-02-21 00:35:23.367 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1026.964671
2022-02-21 00:35:23.367 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1022.964043
2022-02-21 00:35:23.393 T:817 DEBUG <general>: CVideoReferenceClock: detected 1 vblanks, missed 2, refreshrate might have changed
2022-02-21 00:35:23.417 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -1040.188674
2022-02-21 00:35:23.417 T:750 DEBUG <general>: ActiveAE::SyncStream - average error -659.237384 above threshold of 200.000000
2022-02-21 00:35:23.443 T:817 DEBUG <general>: CVideoReferenceClock: detected 1 vblanks, missed 2, refreshrate might have changed
2022-02-21 00:35:23.468 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -90341.966642
2022-02-21 00:35:23.468 T:750 WARNING <general>: ActiveAE - large audio sync error: -90335.966396
2022-02-21 00:35:23.477 T:817 DEBUG <general>: CVideoReferenceClock: detected 1 vblanks, missed 2, refreshrate might have changed
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The only thing I'm really seeing in the logs is the above. Searching for that seemed to result in mostly common networking / bandwidth / latency issues, none of which I should be experiencing.
So what am I missing? What else is there to test? Why am I seemingly the only one having issues with 5 different generations of NUC's on LE10 that work perfectly fine on LE9.2 (x265 excluded)?