Scrapping Argon and Thinking of DeskPi Pro V2 - Any experience with 10.0.1

  • Can anyone confirm that the DeskPi Pro V2 works with 10.0.1? I could never get it to work with my Argon cases. I am also disappointed with Argons on several levels.

    The introduction of 10.0.1 seems to have caused issues with cases that have passthrough boards.

  • I saw that thread but not concerned because I really don't one because they are all the same scripts as the Argon One. Fan has separate on board temp controller so all I really need is power button and IR which currently works.

  • That's no longer the case.

    I just built both because Deskpi refused to admit it would work for over a year after I showed it could be done:

    I DON'T advise purchasing a unit with the intent on using it with Libreelec.

    (The Deskpi Pro case interferes with wifi connections and the software provided is basic at best.

    There is only 1 person updating the software on their Github and he seems to have been assigned elsewhere in the company.

    They just released the Deskpi Lite, which I don't think has software yet.

    And yet again, is probably just the basic amount of code to get it to work.)

    But if you're sitting on a unit like I was...

    I am the only one who has working code atm for Libreelec, and I taught myself how to code just to prove Deskpi wrong.

    And help the people that posted in that thread, who like me bought the unit with the intent on using it with Libreelec.

    Then had to wait a couple months after purchasing to receive a fixed part because they shipped a KNOWN malfunctioning part.

    Just to be told their case WOULD NOT work with Libreelec matrix. So Deskpi would not be investing time into it.(this was when libreelec matrix was still in beta)

    So I invested time. Twice.

    Once to show proof of concept, that hey yeah this is possible. Can you work on it?

    Then pretty much a year later, after feeling terrible I had time to kill in my personal life and enough anger to complete it, lol,

    I started working on it.

    Every night, every spare minute at work, and pretty much all day on my days off of work. And a lot of help from this forum and others.

    To figure the whole thing out. Idk how much time it took me, but I would assume altogether a literal month or two of research and testing.

    Over a span of a year-ish. I didn't know that much about ssh, bash, shell, or python before this.

    yeah, and I still can't code lol

    So yeah fyi, the installer and addon were made extremely noob like, beware.

    Install and control through ssh:

    GitHub - jojobrogess/Libreelec-Deskpi-Installer: This is a unified installer script for Libreelec and the Deskpi Pro case.
    This is a unified installer script for Libreelec and the Deskpi Pro case. - GitHub - jojobrogess/Libreelec-Deskpi-Installer: This is a unified installer script…

    Install and control through addon:

    GitHub - jojobrogess/script.deskpifanservice: Libreelec Addon to install Deskpi Fan Service and Control Fan Speed
    Libreelec Addon to install Deskpi Fan Service and Control Fan Speed - GitHub - jojobrogess/script.deskpifanservice: Libreelec Addon to install Deskpi Fan…

    If you have any problems please post on the respective github pages.

    PS: I did add IR functionality, but I don't own an IR remote so I couldn't test if it worked or not.

    I added ' dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17" ' to /flash/config.txt which I think should add the functionality.

  • Actually loving the deskpi pro with libreelec, and batocera. Using pinn for OS selection, my Sata ssd is internal to the case. Takes a little effort but it's a well made case and front usb important for me. Pain to assemble. Got it right first try but took a while.

    Best Pi case imho. Like any Pi, a usb extender or hub needed if using a usb wireless dongle.