[UNOFFICIAL][Le11-10][RK3228/RK3229][box]Libreelec builds

  • Hi ilmich...

    Well I installed the latest version on the nand of an MXQPRO4k RK3229 wifi sv6051P 1gb ram 8gb rom.

    So far it's going pretty well. Smoother than LibreElec 9.

    However the LED is blue when stopped and off when the box is on and the wifi does not work.

    So far the rest are working fine...

    Edited once, last by JoeEdison (March 6, 2022 at 3:50 PM).

  • hi JoeEdison,

    thanks for your feedback, in the next build I updated the driver for the mesa gpu, where i saw some good optimizations.

    Now that my build is working more or less well I am starting to refine it.

    Unfortunately, the initial idea of having a universal device is not good for everyone. So the idea is

    - create a safe device, which should allow booting on all boards

    - recreate the legacy device trees so that everyone can choose their own (a bit like the amlogic port) manually or with a shell script

    regarding the 6051p, I'm still having trouble getting it to work.

    alexwhites in the meantime you can confirm me that with the build that works for you, you have no video resolution problems?!?!

  • Hi ilmich ,

    yes, I can confirm you the with the build that boots correctly I have no video problems (kodi starts al 1080p-60hz) and I can change video resolution with no problems.
    The only thing that is not working is wifi with the ssv6051 chip.


  • For the wifi driver (6051p) I trust you.

    I remember you said a while ago that nand might never be supported but now yes... ;) :thumbup:

    thanks, although to do that I went out of 'standard' libreelec as that driver is 'legacy'. however mine is and will remain an unofficial build and my goal is to make as many things work as possible ;)

  • thanks, although to do that I went out of 'standard' libreelec as that driver is 'legacy'. however mine is and will remain an unofficial build and my goal is to make as many things work as possible ;)

    To sum up, everything works well except the remote control which does not want to turn on the box, the color of the led which is reversed and the WIFI which does not work.

    Apart from that it is for the moment the version that runs best on my old box...

    I would like to point out that the 1080p resolution is much smoother than with LibreElec 9 and that's cool.

    Thanks for your work man...

  • for the leds tomorrow I'll release a new build with some 'legacy' device trees.

    I've also developed a simple shell script for choosing the right one even on a running libreelec instance (useful in case of nand install).

    other issues are WIP

    ps: try to suspend instead of power off the box. I've developed a simple hack that resume with remotes

  • Hi all,

    new build available with:

    - updated mesa (gpu works better)

    - safe device tree (without ddr3), and possibility to change it via shell script (login into libreelec with ssh)

    about this last feature I will document better in the main post, but in the meantime:

    rkelec:~ # rk322x-dtb-switch.sh 
    usage: /usr/bin/rk322x-dtb-switch.sh [list|switch|help]
          show                      show current device tree
          list                      show available device trees
          switch [device tree]      switch to a device tree
          help                      show this help

    list available dtbs

    rkelec:~ # rk322x-dtb-switch.sh list

    switch, for example, to rk3229-box-v88mars

    rkelec:~ # rk322x-dtb-switch.sh switch rk3229-box-v88mars
    Device tree rk3229-box-v88mars founded
    Are you sure(y/n)?y
    Mounting flash rw
    Switching dtb
    Mounting flash ro
    Switching is ok, now you need to reboot!!

    and reboot box.

  • Hi Ilmich...

    I followed the tutorial and it's ok for the led. The rest works fine for now but I'll use it to confirm.

    I took this version rk3229-box-mxq4kpro-ovclk

    Of course the wifi and the start with the remote control does not work yet but I understand the difficulty and I cross my fingers. 8)

    Case to follow... :thumbup:

  • Hi all,

    new build available with:

    - updated libreelec source (10.0.2)

    - ssv6051p wireless driver

    - other fixes and small optimizations

    Wifi works well... all you have to do is start and stop from the remote control and you're done.

    You are a champion man.