HDR on x86 Hardware

  • Is there anything extra special I need to do during compile? I have added -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include and -DENABLE_OPENGLES=ON but the "Allow using DRM PRIME decoder" option still does not show.

    EDIT: Think I got it to work (yet to do proper testing), just needed -DAPP_RENDER_SYSTEM=gles

    Edited once, last by chcore (September 10, 2022 at 2:15 AM).

  • Did some testing, and it seems to work pretty well (thanks again smp). Did notice a couple of issues though:

    1. Deinterlacing does not work/cannot be enabled when DRM PRIME is enabled. This means I will need to manually turn on DRM PRIME whenever I intend to watch HDR content, then turn it back off. Not ideal, how far off is deinterlacing support? Maybe a good idea to have an option or advancedsetting that uses DRM PRIME only for HDR content until it is implemented.

    2. Is it just me, or is text noticeably more aliased when HDR is active? Both subtitles and OSD are affected

  • Deinterlacing does not work/cannot be enabled when DRM PRIME is enabled

    It looks like the developer who was working on it ( Kwiboo) hasn't been active for almost 2 years. See his comment from 2019.

    HDR is partially working without DRM PRIME. It seem to be limited to HEVC 24p videos. In fact, this limited HDR functionality now present in current Kodi master/LE nightly.

  • Did some testing, and it seems to work pretty well (thanks again smp). Did notice a couple of issues though:

    1. Deinterlacing does not work/cannot be enabled when DRM PRIME is enabled. This means I will need to manually turn on DRM PRIME whenever I intend to watch HDR content, then turn it back off. Not ideal, how far off is deinterlacing support? Maybe a good idea to have an option or advancedsetting that uses DRM PRIME only for HDR content until it is implemented.

    2. Is it just me, or is text noticeably more aliased when HDR is active? Both subtitles and OSD are affected

    chcore I also run archlinux on my intel nuc 8i3beh and was about to try compiling a hdr nexus build like you did. Before I go to all that bother, would you consider posting your pre-compiled binaries (zst files) somewhere?

  • HDR is partially working without DRM PRIME. It seem to be limited to HEVC 24p videos. In fact, this limited HDR functionality now present in current Kodi master/LE nightly.

    Thanks for that, it does seem to work for some files. Wonder why it doesn't for this one: https://downloads.ddigest-dl.com/movies/clip_sa…_demo_clip.html

    Is there a github issue I can follow that tracks the non-DRM-PRIME HDR activation? What is the advantage of DRM PRIME if HDR can work without it?

    chcore I also run archlinux on my intel nuc 8i3beh and was about to try compiling a hdr nexus build like you did. Before I go to all that bother, would you consider posting your pre-compiled binaries (zst files) somewhere?

    Sure, here it is: https://www115.zippyshare.com/v/dXPKI1Gl/file.html

    Does anyone else get a strange fade-to-black effect at the top/bottom of the screen with Estuary when switching PVR channels? This is with DRM PRIME disabled, and the channel switch being performed with the up/down arrows + Enter key while watching PVR content.

  • I gave this a go on my Arch linux NUC 8i3BEH using the build kindly supplied by chcore.

    Played some 4k HDR content with DRM Prime & HDR enabled in kodi settings.

    Seemed to work nicely and the content was correctly recognised by my TV as HDR.

    However, whenever I play such files I find the following dump in my kernel log:

    This doesn't seem to effect playback as far as I can tell.

    This was on the latest stable kernel v5.19.9 with all arch linux packages upto date, and libva-intel-driver installed for VAAPI.

  • I’ve found that the current nightly builds work fine on my current 10th gen NUC. However the HDR output only outputs rgb 709. Not the RGBHDR (BT2020).

    SMP build at the start of this thread works fine. Outputs correctly. It’s interesting, my NUC is connected to a lumagen that converts bt2020 and outputs rec709 using a 3Dlut.

    Is there a way to force BT2020 output for HDR?

  • Well if anyone’s reading this I fixed my issue. The lumagen can report BT2020 in two ways to the source. Either by stating “BT2020” or “HDR”

    If I use SMP build it doesn’t matter what this is set to. If I use the current nightly it needs to be set to “HDR” for it to work properly. That then makes sure libreelec putputs RGB2020. Instead of RGB709

  • Dear smp would it be again possible to make a new build (which includes the updates since your last build from 7.8.22) which will also work on my NUC7 as the build from 7.8. did?
    Thank you very much in advance!

  • On "normal" render HDR metadata won't sent to my screen. so... and prime decoder won't work for me on the nightly.

    prime decoder do work for me on smp version and HDR signal sent properly. tested on Elder Lake.

    For proper HDR maybe we do need special build (for now).