who uses two microSD?

  • Hi, on a Raspberry pi4, 2MbRam, I use Kodi from LibreElec and Volumio.

    I got tired of taking out and putting in the two microSD cards every time.

    I tried to do a multiboot, but it is inconvenient for a variety of reasons (the remote control no longer works , the versions of the respective ones have updating problems ...

    I thought about buying an adapter that mounts both cards by inserting it into the Rasperry. Convenient because with a microswitch it allows before turning it on to select which OS to start. Volumio works very well, but the card with Kodi does not load it, the splashscreen appears and then complains about the inability to mount the card ...

    Does anyone have the same adapter? How are you? Have you had problems?


  • I tried with BerryBoot, but I ran into two problems. The former does not allow you to load the original software and still has problems with updates. In any case, I completely lose the ability to use the remote control so if I don't have to put in and remove the card I have to use my mobile phone as a remote control and it's worse. Meanwhile, a second adapter has arrived sent to me in case it was a failure of the first one, but it behaves exactly like the other one. I keep wondering what the message that appears means and how you could solve the failure to load the card (I repeat that if I remove it from the adapter it works fine!

    Help me! ?(

  • BerryBoot has a long-running negative reputation with LE project staff because it runs it's own kernel instead of ours, which leads to weird problems. The iissues magically resolve themselves when BB is replaced with NOOBS/PINN which work fine.

  • As chewitt says, and as far as I understand it, BerryBoot also doesn't allow you to update the distros you install with it from within the distro itself, while PINN doesn't has this problem. In any case, give it a try and see if it works for you the way you want it. The author of PINN is very responsive in the link I posted above if you run in any problem.

  • In the meantime I tried OSCM on an old very slow micro sd (2Gb), but ... it works! I was also able to configure some addons that I use with LE. But above all the adapter that allows the two microsd one for LE and the other for Volumio works very well. I am afraid that the "problem" lies with LE. If no one can fix it, at least I'll have a good alternative.

  • In the meantime I tried OSCM on an old very slow micro sd (2Gb), but ... it works! I was also able to configure some addons that I use with LE. But above all the adapter that allows the two microsd one for LE and the other for Volumio works very well.

    I am afraid that the "problem" lies with LE.

    If no one can fix it, at least I'll have a good alternative.

    Edited once, last by Olivastro (January 19, 2022 at 2:38 PM).