Beginner here, so apologize if my question is stupid, but after doing researches, I'm just very confused about where to look.
I want to use my Benq projector remote for Libreelec, how can I achieve this?
My setup is:
- Librelec 10.0.1 on RPi4.arm
- Not a vanilla RPi: I added a Hifiberry Amp2
- Projector BenQ TH585
- RPi4 and projector are connected by HDMI
What I understood so far:
- I could use "CEC" to use the Benq remote control on Kodi. Is it suppose to work out of the box? I had a look at the settings and got scared to break things. (And the CEC adapter is already enabled)
- I also saw somewhere that the HifiBerry Amp2 were using "GPIO" pins and that it could be an issue with remotes. I don't understand what it means and can't find where I read this (maybe here?), so maybe I'm saying non-sense, but I just wanted to gather here everything I found so far.
- I could use Flirc2. Is it relevant for my case?
Sorry if that's all confused, I'm just a bit lost, not being very tech-savy. Any help/clue/hint will be much appreciated