Disable internet on tethered WIFI AP

  • LibreElec 10.0.1 RPI4.

    Very happy with it. :)

    How do I disable internet access on a tethered Wifi AP?

    I tried

    echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

    but that also disables internet for docker containers.

    Can I configure this with connmanctl, or is it a iptables setting?

  • ConnMan has no method for chosing which WLAN card the tether should run on, so you may need to blacklist driver modules to disable the internal card. Once that's done, it should work, as long as the driver for the USB card supports AP modes; most do, but not all <insert usual statement about garbage realtek drivers>.

  • Thanks again.

    I managed quite easily with just adding an external USB WIFI (RTL8188CUS) dongle, reboot and issuing:

    ip link set wlan0 down
    iptables -A FORWARD -i tether -o eth0 -j DROP

    That should meet my requirements. (Or do I miss something?)