Install Vbit2 on LibreELEC.

  • I have been using LibreELEC for quite a long time on my Pi3, and have never considered I needed anything else, but just recently as my Flatscreen has Teletext on it, I thought it would be fun to try and reused the redundant technology, and sure enough using Raspbian and installing VBit2 on it, I have a fan ran teletext service.

    Now what would be ideal for me would be to be able to install it on LibreELEC so that I can easily flick between Teletext and the media player.

    I have tried to understand how to do this, but I think without a bit of help, I am out of my depth.


  • To install on Raspbian process is as simple as:

    source <(wget -O -

    SSHing into LE, unfortunately this doesn't work.

  • Just copy the binary you compiled on RaspiOS over to LE along with the systemd .service files. You will probably need to fiddle with paths in the service files to get it working.